The Global Inclusion Communities of Practice bring together global education and diversity, equity, and inclusion professionals to provide critical guidance and support to Diversity Abroad initiatives and contribute to the development of new and valuable resources for the field of global education and cultural exchange. Each community of practice is made up of 5-10 members, including a chair (invited by Diversity Abroad) and a Diversity Abroad Staff Liaison.

Communities of Practice serve as a critical connection between Diversity Abroad and the global education and cultural exchange community. Communities of Practice provide individuals with an opportunity to lead and connect with colleagues in the field and ensure Diversity Abroad continues to support the needs and interests of the international education and global learning community.

Communities of Practice convene monthly to discuss relevant and timely issues and develop resources and materials related to their area of focus that include hosting webinars, presenting at conferences (including Global Inclusion), and publishing articles and/or reports.

The 2024-2025 Communities of Practice Application is open until November 10, 2024! Find the submission button at the bottom of this page. 

2023-2024 Communities of Practice


Communities of Practice Thematic Areas

The following 6 Diversity Communities of Practice have been established for 2024-2025 to focus on these thematic areas:

This community of practice will bring together international education professionals who dedicate more than half of their time to DEI activities or work in DEI and are interested in applying their work to the field of international education and exchange.
Topics may include: DEI in international education as an emerging profession, DEI implementation best practices, and DEI competencies in international education and exchange, among others.

Proposed Projects and Themes

  • Fundamentals Guide on job responsibilities of DEI Professionals in the field
  • Pathways to professional role
  • Garnering support from institutions/organizations for DEI Professionals
  • Campus/Organizational collaboration
This community of practice will focus on developing resources and tools for professionals working with inbound international and exchange students to facilitate meaningful global learning across the full range of diverse perspectives represented on our globally diverse campuses.
Topics may include: research, trends of participation across identities, student experiences, student orientations and programming, DEI from a global or international student perspective, how to navigate diversity-related dynamics within the US educational landscape, cultivating belonging on globally-diverse campuses, working with faculty to support international students, and health, safety, and security, among others.

Proposed Projects and Themes

  • Fundamentals of Marketing, Outreach, and Recruitment
  • Supporting International Student Classroom Success - Advising Guide (general or focus on specific student groups)
  • Preparing International Students for US Diversity & Inclusion - Advising Guide
  • Fundamentals of DEI Resource - international students in the US higher education (research, trends, student experience, faculty experience), trends of participation across identities
  • Engaging with faculty
Regional communities of practice will focus on topics of particular relevance to countries of those regions including health, safety, and security, climate of diversity, and terms and language used to describe DEI in the regional context.
  • Regional Europe
  • Regional Middle East and Africa
  • Regional Latin American and the Caribbean
  • Regional Asia and the Pacific Islands

Topics may include: climate of diversity and inclusion, health, safety, and security, specific identity groups, funding, program development, and faculty engagement, among others.

Proposed Projects and Themes

  • Country Climate Webinar - Context of DEI in a specific country/city. Include on-site experts.
  • Supporting specific student identities studying in this region. (country/city specific)
  • Resources for training on-site staff in specific country in region to the climate of DEI in the US
This community of practice will bring together senior leaders in international education and focus on tackling issues of leadership and strategy at the intersection of DEI and international education.
Topics may include: Strategy development that emphasizes DEI and global learning, embedding inclusive global learning and global learning at home throughout institutions, sustainable development goals, faculty engagement, health, safety, and security, policy development, hiring and retention, and organizational change, among others.

Proposed Projects and Themes

  • Global Engagement at Home - Collaboration and Initiatives
  • Building DEI into Strategic Plan
  • Leadership & Advancement Opportunities in the Field
This community of practice will be composed of individuals with various roles in global education and related sectors to develop resources/tools that promote career advancement and belonging of individual professionals.
Topics may include: career advancement for underrepresented professionals, negotiation strategies, and networking for success, among other topics.

Proposed Projects and Themes

  • Identity in the Workplace
  • Professional Development
  • Mentorship
  • Creating a sense of belonging in the workplace
This community of practice will develop inclusive resources and tools related to underrepresentation and diversity, marketing, outreach, and recruitment, and student support and advising in education abroad.
Topics may include: trends of participation across identities, understanding generational differences in promotion strategies, identity specific marketing strategies, inclusive advising and student support strategies, health and safety, and identity considerations in pre-departure, in-country, and upon return, program development, funding, faculty engagement, and inclusive global learning, among others.

Proposed Projects and Themes

  • Advising Guides/Toolkits for specific student identities
  • Faculty toolkit in developing inclusive faculty-led programs & curriculum, pre-departure, on-site, and re-entry support
  • Global Engagement at Home - student opportunities, benefits, resource sheet


In approaching the deliverables within these thematic areas, Communities of Practice are encouraged to consider identity characteristics and intersectionality in the following areas:

  • Ethnically/Racially Diverse
  • First Generation College
  • High Financial Need
  • Religious Diversity
  • Students with Disabilities


Projects & Deliverables

Diversity Abroad firmly believes in the power of global education and that access to the benefits such experiences afford is a question of educational equity. Towards this end, Diversity Abroad aims to develop tools and resources that advance diversity and inclusive policies & practices in the following areas: 

To most effectively serve an increasingly diverse student body, it’s essential that global educators from diverse backgrounds are represented, equipped to advance their careers and experience a sense of belonging in their workplaces.
Ensuring students are equipped to succeed in education abroad programs requires staff, faculty, and administrators to promote inclusive practices across the continuum of the education abroad process. This includes exploring global programs, preparing to go abroad, living Abroad, coming home, and getting career-ready.
Fostering a climate of inclusion and belonging for international students supports their success on globally diverse campuses and is a critical component to advancing comprehensive campus internationalization.
Developing critical global competencies does not solely depend on student mobility. Digital learning tools & meaningful global educational experiences at home - both on campus and within the local community - can be leveraged to equip young people with the skills, knowledge and global acumen to thrive in an interconnected 21st century workforce.

To this effect, Communities of Practice will carry out several of the following tentative projects throughout the year based on the theme of each committee (final project plans will be available after August kick-off webinar).

  • Develop & facilitate an online Community Discussion
  • Articles and possibly proposal for The Global Impact Exchange if theme applies
  • Recommendations for: Community Discussion topics, experts in the field, thematic areas of focus for The Global Impact Exchange
  • Develop and contribute content to the Insights from the Field elearning resource
  • Recommend promising practices for the Diversity Abroad Good Practices Series
  • Other projects to advance advocacy for task force themes on the national level

Meetings & All-Group Communications

In general, Communities of Practice can expect to meet (either as a group, via email communication, or in sub-groups) on a monthly basis. Communities of Practice Chairs will be asked to provide a Fall and Spring update to Diversity Abroad per the schedule below. These updates will be incorporated into semesterly all-group communications by email and/or forum.).

  • 1st meeting: November 2024
  • Fall update: TBD
  • Spring update: TBD
  • Year-end Report for incoming CoP: October 1-15, 2025
  • Final meeting: October/November 2025


Diversity Abroad will identify a Chair for each Community of Practice on a yearly basis. Chairs will provide leadership on content development, identifying emerging themes, and maintaining deadlines. Each thematic group will also include a Diversity Abroad Staff Liaison to assist in clarifying project plans and to provide logistical assistance as needed. Potential Chairs will be asked to consider other “competing” obligations that may impact their ability to lead the Community of Practice before accepting the Chair invitation.


Application Process

Communities of Practice members will be selected through the application process outlined below. Invitations will be extended for a year-long commitment (November 1 - October 31). Please note, you do not have to be a Diversity Abroad member to apply for a community of practice but must be a member if offered a position to serve.

Key Dates

  • Communities of Practice applications open: Now - November 10, 2024
  • Application notifications: Mid of November 2024
  • Kick-off Webinar: November 20, 2024 at 9am PT/12pm EST


Download Application Questions Here 

Applications Instructions

Applications for the 2024-2025 Communities of Practice are open until November 10, 2024. 

You can find a copy of the questions you'll be asked on the form here.

Submit an Application
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